Beaversplash, the strange toothed.

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Welcome little floofs!
Sunstream: So apparently I made a Clan with a friend o' mine... Well, we'll see how that goes. Also I literally cannot focus on anything cause I stayed up past midnight reading fanfictions then spent all morning also reading them... Something is wrong with me lol May 21, 2016 21:34:48 GMT
w i s h f u l: I wouldn't count on cats not jumping on you, but they are a bit more 'chill' than dogs. Also, what's the name of your Clan, Sun? May 22, 2016 15:26:09 GMT
Stormykins: Hey, everyone, so I joined a RolePlay and I offered to be a leader, so, if possible you guys could check us out at I'm leader of StreamClan (Lizardstar) and we're new so it'd help if some of you guys could possibly join. :nod: May 22, 2016 17:34:27 GMT *
w i s h f u l: Update: Soot's RP will be opening tomorrow for anyone who is interested. May 22, 2016 22:08:59 GMT
w i s h f u l: Also, I checked out the RP, Stormy. I'd love to join if you'll have me. I might not be active daily, because I'll be helping out Soot a lot, but I'll try to be online as much as possible. c: May 22, 2016 22:10:34 GMT
w i s h f u l: New update: Sooty's RP is open as of now, a day early. Whoo! May 23, 2016 2:46:44 GMT
Sunstream: Guys if you want to know of a different RP I'm in, it's called Dwellers. It's awesome :3 I'll look for Soot's RP too, though. May 26, 2016 0:18:01 GMT
Sunstream: I has a YouTube channel now! First music video will be uploaded later today, but yeh. I has a thing. (It is called SSFireWolf if ye were curious) Jun 4, 2016 14:55:43 GMT
w i s h f u l: Oo, I'll check it out <3 Jun 9, 2016 16:44:03 GMT
Sunstream: also OMG FH HAD A HUGE UPDATE AND I AM SCREAMIGN! oh heh thanks for checking it out <3 Jun 9, 2016 19:31:04 GMT
w i s h f u l: np bab c: AND ALSO, ik! Not sure how I feel about it yet, but it's awesome-azing anyway XD Jun 10, 2016 0:55:34 GMT
w i s h f u l: Nvm, I love the update, I'm sold on it. Even Ficho is serene now <3 Jun 10, 2016 14:56:32 GMT
Stormykins: *Explodes* I love the update! I love everything about it! Anyway, I FINALLY CONVINCED MY DAD TO GET US A CAT! We're getting TWO kitties named Twizzler and Eugene Jun 18, 2016 2:17:00 GMT
Sunstream: Omg awesome! Cats are amazing breh ;3 Jun 18, 2016 23:38:49 GMT
Sunstream: Jun 21, 2016 18:26:24 GMT
Sunstream: watch that plx it took a bit to make Jun 21, 2016 18:26:30 GMT
w i s h f u l: Yay, kitties! <3 Jun 22, 2016 1:05:20 GMT
w i s h f u l: Also, if anyone one is looking for a WC roleplay, check out Jun 22, 2016 1:05:50 GMT
w i s h f u l: You'll find me there as SJ c: Jun 22, 2016 1:06:09 GMT
w i s h f u l: Also, loved the video Sun c: Jun 22, 2016 1:06:29 GMT
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